Design Studios and Elective Courses

Design Studios and Elective Courses

All of our programs can be offered as electives and full-semester design studios, which are exciting additions to the curriculum.

They can be recurring and ongoing, for periods of one week or several times per semester or academic year. This gives students more time to work on assignments and go further into detail.

Example: During the first week of the semester, SSC conducts a kick-off session in which the assignment is explained and supported by lectures and experiments. During the semester, students are guided by their regular professors. During the last week, we return for student presentations, discussions, and other college preferences. Throughout the period, we remain in close contact with professors and students and provide online guidance and support as needed.

SSC is also open to long-term commitments, such as for the duration of an entire semester. This can be either full-time or part-time.